
Twisted Idea

Every time I encounter someone with a wild attitude, I always use this instinct of mine – my brother calls it “Twisted Idea.” Anyone will only listen to someone of common spirit which, means they are complementing objects in the universe, no matter what the latter’s story is true or not. You may have encounter situations like a younger brother or sister is exhibiting some sort of rebellious acts that no one in the family can control him/her. Most of us misunderstood the situation and judge this little brother or sister as bad person outright which is not right. We are dealing with the problem and not with the cause of the problem in our day-to-day lives, especially family problems.

With the gift of DigammaVauF® – the DigammaSense™, one can handle difficult situations like this one by tolerating your little brother/sister’s actions, gaining his/her trust and taking full control of his/her life. When he/she feels you are in the same side, everything you will say is accepted...cool, isn’t it. This method of handling rebellious spirits has this great effect of what we call “Spiritual Satisfaction” in the part of the subject. (Sorry if I’m using twisted terms here, it’s a rule remember? No outsider shall decode the concealed info we are delivering here. Stories are just stories mixed with reality. Enjoy!)

Proven by many experiences of parents and older family members, a rebellious person does know exactly what is right and what is wrong...only, that they do not judge the right way because they feel justice would not favour them. And they keep on hiding, keeping reality in the darkest corner of their subconscious. And if anyone attempted to or unknowingly lit a candle in that dark spot, anything can happen so fast...creating another story.

As an ordinary person, you could have misunderstood this little guy and accused him of some sort of misbehaviour based on the current values and customs the society is following. This is true. We usually deal with the problem (no one will disagree).

As I have said in the second paragraph, we can teach this kid to be like the entity we want him to be. Forget the rules made by man. Have a little human consideration. Balance the good and bad. And you will see, something has changed...forever.

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